Clean up Back Beach Bay
This persuasive poster advertises a community clean-up day at an imaginary Back Beach Bay. It is bright and colourful to attract people’s attention, and has clear, direct messaging.
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Teaching & learning sequence
This teaching and learning sequence outlines classroom strategies for Clean up Back Beach Bay, including:
- ways to incorporate the ‘Big Six’ core elements of reading development
- fun, engaging and adaptable student activities for a diverse range of abilities
- links to the Australian Curriculum.
Text features | Cross-curriculum link to the Australian Curriculum |

First read
As a whole group, enjoy sharing the text and learning together.
Tune students into the problems that are created when rubbish is dropped on the ground. What happens if someone drops rubbish in the school yard or in the street somewhere? Where does that rubbish end up? Discuss and draw out that dropped rubbish can get washed down drains and travel all the way to the ocean.
What happens to sea animals and other living things in the ocean if rubbish enters their home? Discuss the consequences of this as a whole class.
Show images of rubbish lying on the beach, floating in the ocean and impacting on sea life by doing an image search on the internet. How does seeing these pictures make you feel? What can we do to help stop rubbish ending up in the ocean? Have students turn and talk to a partner about this problem, and possible solutions. Have students share their ideas.
Discuss the concept of community clean-up days. Have you ever been to a clean-up day? What did you do? Allow time for students to share their personal experiences.
Read aloud
Present the poster Clean up Back Beach Bay. Provide time for students to view the poster. What do you think this poster is about? How can you tell? Discuss.
Read the words on the poster aloud, discuss the image and talk about the flowchart.
Make meaning
What is the purpose of this poster? What information does it give us? Who is the audience? Have a group discussion about these aspects of the text, and use students’ ideas to fill in a three-column chart with the headings: ‘Message’, ‘Purpose’ and ‘Audience’.
Encourage students to use critical thinking to apply what they have learnt. What is your opinion of this poster? What does it remind you of? What does it make you wonder about?
Revisit the text
Return to the text several times to look more closely at different aspects of its content, structure and language features. This is a great vehicle for exploring the ‘Big Six’ of literacy in an integrated way, with all components linking to the same text.
Reading is about making meaning. Choose from these comprehension activities to help your students explore the text deeply, make personal connections, develop new understandings and draw conclusions. The activities will also help students analyse the text, think critically about it and form their own opinions.
The 5 Ws – questions and answers (partner activity)
As a whole class, discuss the information the poster provides. Use the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, why) as a questioning technique and record students’ ideas on a chart.
- What? What is the poster about? (A community clean-up day.)
- Who? Who is the information in the poster aimed at? (People who live in the community.)
- When? When is the clean-up day? (Saturday the 16th of November at 10 am.)
- Where? Where is the clean-up day? (Back Beach Bay.)
- Why? Why is it being held? Why does Back Beach Bay need a clean-up day? (To clean up, to keep Back Beach Bay clean, to protect the ocean environment and to keep sea animals safe.)
Ask students to turn and talk to a partner about the information on the poster. What is the main message? What other information does the poster give us? Have students work with a partner to complete the MIP (most important points) chart.
Print the MIP (most important points) chart.
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Words and pictures (partner activity)
What do the words on the poster tell us? Discuss and point out the different types of information contained in the words, details about the actual clean-up day – and information about why we should attend. Highlight the three emphatic statements that give strong reasons for attending the clean-up day.
Discuss the flowchart on the poster. What is the flowchart explaining? What does it tell us? Why do you think this was included on the poster? Discuss as a group.
Ask students to talk with a partner about the image on the poster. Have students share their thoughts and ideas. Discuss as a whole group: Why are images like this used in books, and on posters? How is viewing an image different to reading words? Discuss and draw out that images are easy to understand, their meaning can be worked out quickly and they get stored in our memory more easily than words do, and this means they can be very powerful.
As a whole group, discuss the image further: What do you see in this image? What do you think about when you see it? How does the image make you feel?
Have pairs of students work together to fill in the See think feel Y-chart.
Print the See think feel Y-chart.
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Talking text types (whole-group activity)
What sort of text is this? Discuss and draw out that it is a persuasive text in the form of a poster. The poster has words and images that are designed to convince and encourage people to take action, in this case to attend a community clean-up day.
Encourage students to think critically about the poster. How does the poster attempt to persuade people to go to the clean-up day? Discuss and list students’ ideas on a chart (for example, use of an image that appeals to emotions; use of strong statements or commands with exclamation marks; flowchart that explains why it is important to clean up; benefits of attending the clean-up day – how it helps the community and the environment; and the bonus of a free sausage sizzle).
If appropriate, introduce your students to the concept of the three main ways to persuade:
- an appeal to trust and credibility – who is giving us the information? Can we trust it? (ethos)
- an appeal to emotions (pathos)
- an appeal to logic and reasoning – use of facts and statistics (logos).
How else could you persuade people to keep their local community clean? Use this discussion to talk about other types of persuasive texts such as TV ads, radio ads, jingles, school newsletters, speeches, letters and billboards.
Australian Curriculum links
Phonological awareness (including phonemic awareness)
These activities will help students to hear the sounds and rhythms of language. Guide them as they explore syllables, onset and rime and listen for phonemes – the smallest units of sound within a word. Use the activities to help your students identify the phonemes in words and practise blending, segmenting and manipulating these sounds.
Hear this! (whole-group activity)
Use the words from the title (‘clean’, ‘up’, ‘back’, ‘beach’ and ‘bay’) one at a time to highlight and practise a range of phonological awareness skills including identifying and counting syllables, hearing onset and rime, and hearing individual phonemes in words.
Use the following types of questions and statements to guide discussion for each word.
- How many syllables does this word have? Let’s clap each syllable as we say the word.
- What sound do you hear at the beginning of this word? Let’s think of some other words that begin with this sound.
- What sound do you hear at the end of this word?
- What other sounds do you hear in the word?
- How many sounds altogether in this word? What are they? Let’s say each sound slowly and blend them together to say the word.
- What other words have the same ending as this word? Let’s make some new words that have the same sound at the end. Can you hear that these words rhyme?
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Blending and segmenting (whole-group activity)
Use words from the poster to identify phonemes, and practise segmenting them. What sounds can you hear in the word ‘bay’? (b, long a). Discuss and model how to segment these sounds into individual phonemes. Repeat with other words such as ‘up’, ‘sea’, ‘clean’, ‘sizzle’, ‘gloves’ and ‘November’. Note: choose words with the appropriate number of sounds that your students are able to isolate.
Use the same words to model how to blend the phonemes from left to right to say the whole word.
Choose words from the poster to play a game of ‘Guess my word’. For example, choose a word such as ‘beach’ to segment by saying each individual phoneme slowly and in isolation with a pause between each phoneme (b, long e, ch). Have students guess the word.
Repeat with other words. Invite students to take turns saying the phonemes and have the rest of the group guess the word.
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Alliteration memory (whole-group activity)
Point out that there is a free sausage sizzle for people who attend the clean-up day. Why is it called a sausage sizzle? Discuss and draw out that it is a catchy name for cooking sausages on a barbeque, and that the use of the s sound at the beginning of both words gets people’s attention and is easy to remember.
Use the words ‘sausage’ and ‘sizzle’ to play a game of alliteration memory. Have students sit in a circle. The first student says ‘sausage’, the second student says ‘sausage sizzle’, and the third student says ‘sausage, sizzle’ and another word beginning with the s sound such as ‘sun’. The next student then says ‘sausage’, ‘sizzle’, ‘sun’ and another new word beginning with the s sound such as ‘silly’. Continue until the list of words is too long to remember. To make the game easier have the whole class chant all of the words in the sequence except the new word that is added by each student in turn.
Highlight the words ‘gloves’ and ‘garbage bags’ and discuss the use of the g sound. Play a game of alliteration memory using this sound.
Australian Curriculum links
Evidence shows that children learn best about the relationship between phonemes and graphemes when instruction occurs through a daily structured synthetic phonics program (also known as systematic synthetic phonics). Knowing about these relationships will help students to decode, and this is crucial for their continued reading development.
In addition to your phonics program it is helpful to expose students to letter–sound relationships they come across in other contexts, such as during shared reading experiences. Choose activities that are relevant to your students so they can practise and reinforce already learnt concepts, so as to build automaticity in recognising letter–sound relationships.
Long e sound (whole-group activity)
Have students reinforce and practise identifying the long e sound. Revisit the poster and point to the word ‘beach’. What sounds do you hear in ‘beach’? What is the middle sound? Discuss and draw out that the middle sound in ‘beach’ is the long e sound.
Have students talk with a partner about other words on the poster that have the long e sound (clean, sea, free, keep). Write the words ‘beach’, ‘clean’, ‘sea’, ‘free’ and ‘keep’ on a chart. Invite students to underline the letters that make the long e sound in each word.
Point out that some of the words on the list have the letters ‘ea’ making the long e sound, and some words have ‘ee’ making this sound. Revise other letter/s that make the long e sound.
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Long or short? Matching sounds to letters (whole-group activity)
Have students practise identifying the short a and/or long a sounds. Write the words ‘back’ and ‘bay’ on a chart. Have students talk with a partner about the sounds they hear in each word.
In a whole-group discussion, have students share what they discussed. Invite a student to underline the letter in the word ‘back’ that makes the short a sound, as in ‘apple’ (back).
Now invite a student to underline the letters in the word ‘bay’ that make the long a sound (bay). Explain that this sound is the long a sound.
Create a T-chart with the headings: ‘Short a’ and ‘Long a’.
Discuss: We know ‘back’ has the short ‘a’ sound in it. What other words do you know that have the short ‘a’ sound? Use students’ ideas to list words in the first column of the chart and underline the letter that makes the sound (for example, apple, ant, hat, map, tan, plan, lap and man).
Now talk about the long a sound in the word ‘bay’. What other words have the long ‘a’ sound? Use students’ ideas to list words in the second column of the chart and underline the letter or letters that make the sound (for example, rain, baby, frame, say, game, lane and train’).
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Identifying words with adjacent consonants (whole-group activity)
Have students practise identifying words with adjacent consonants. Write the word ‘clean’ on a chart. Invite a student to say the phonemes they hear in the word (k, l, long e, n). Explain that this word has two consonants together at the beginning and these two letters both make a distinct sound. When we read the word, these sounds must be blended together. Have all the students say out loud the four phonemes in the word ‘clean’ then blend them together.
Have students work with a partner to search the text for other words with adjacent consonants at the beginning (starts, free, gloves, provided, dropped). Have pairs share the words they find, and write the words on a chart. Have students say each word in turn, blending the phonemes from left to right.
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The digraph ‘ch’ (small-group activity)
Have students practise identifying the ch digraph. Write the word ‘beach’ on a chart. What sound do you hear at the end of this word? Discuss and draw out that the end sound in ‘beach’ is the ch sound. What two letters make this sound? Underline the letters ‘ch’ in the word ‘beach’. Explain that this sound is represented by two letters, and when two letters make one sound it is called a ‘digraph’.
Have students talk with a partner about other words that have the ch sound in them.
In small groups, have students brainstorm by writing and/or drawing all the words they can think of that have the ch sound in them onto a large chart (for example, torch, beach, chips, chop, chain, peach, cheese, chin, chop, chat and reach). Have each group report back to the whole class by sharing their ch words.
Where appropriate, repeat the activity focusing on the ‘sh’ digraph as in the words ‘rubbish’ and ‘washes’.
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Oral language
Oral language development begins at birth, and having a rich oral language is beneficial as a foundational and ongoing resource for literacy development. Oral language is embedded throughout the shared reading experience as students listen and respond to quality texts.
It is also valuable to involve students in specific activities that will continue to improve their oral language skills. Choose from these activities that support students to develop and practise important communication skills.
TV report (small-group activity)
Have students work in small groups to role-play a television report about the clean-up day at Back Beach Bay. Encourage each group to think about the following questions.
- What might a TV reporter tell people about the clean-up day?
- Who might they interview for their report: the organiser of the event, a person who went to the clean-up day?
- What questions would the reporter ask? How would these people answer? What would they say?
Where required support students by modelling how to ask and answer questions. Discuss the difference between a question and a statement. Talk about the types of questions and answers that a TV report about the clean-up day might contain.
Give further support if need be by showing students a clip of a TV news report or an online news video. Point out and discuss the type of information included in the report.
Have groups plan, practise and then present their TV report to the whole class.
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What’s your opinion? (whole-group activity)
Make two signs by writing the words ‘Agree’ and ‘Disagree’ on separate pieces of paper. Place one sign at one end of the classroom and one at the other end of the classroom.
Have the students stand in between the two signs. Say a range of statements one at a time, related to the text such as:
- We should never drop rubbish.
- The people in Back Beach Bay are messy.
- Everyone in Back Beach Bay should attend the clean-up day.
- We should hold a clean-up day like the one at Back Beach Bay.
- If we drop rubbish it will end up in the ocean.
- Rubbish can’t hurt sea animals.
After you say each statement have the students take up their position somewhere along the imaginary line to show how strongly they agree or disagree with the statement.
Encourage students to talk about their reasons for their opinions.
Australian Curriculum links
Activities aimed at teaching and practising fluency are important for students on their journey towards becoming independent readers. Explicitly modelling fluency and providing opportunities for students to practise reading aloud are integral to this.
Reading for meaning (whole-group activity)
Explain to the class that you are going to read the words on the poster and you want them to listen to how your voice sounds. Read the words in a clear, smooth voice. In what ways is my reading of this text different to the way I would read a story? Discuss and draw out that your voice changes when you are reading depending upon the purpose of the text, and when you read to gather information such as dates and times it is important to be clear.
Point out the exclamation marks on the poster. What are these punctuation marks called and what are they for? Discuss and draw out that exclamation marks can be used to mark a command or an emphatic statement that can express a strong feeling or show that it is an important statement. How would you read these three statements? Have students turn to a partner and take turns reading the three statements emphatically.
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Building towards automaticity (whole-group activity)
An important facet of becoming a fluent reader is being able to read for automaticity – reading accurately and quickly. Having lots of exposure to high-frequency words will help students to know these words automatically. Use Clean up Back Beach Bay to reinforce the recognition of high-frequency words.
Ask students to point to words on the poster that they see a lot when reading and might know automatically such as ‘up’, ‘day’, ‘and’, ‘us’, ‘our’, ‘into’ and ‘the’. Have students write the words using small whiteboards or in a writing journal.
Australian Curriculum links
Having a rich, broad vocabulary assists students when they tackle new texts. These vocabulary activities will help them to build their growing bank of words.
The activities introduce students to new Tier 2 and Tier 3 words, as well as exploring word families and a range of different word types.
Noticing nouns (individual activity)
Introduce or reinforce the definition of a noun. Explain that a noun is a word that refers to a person, a place or a thing. Have students turn to a partner and take turns saying nouns to each other.
Revisit the poster. What nouns are written on this poster? Record students’ ideas on a chart (day, Back Beach Bay, Saturday, November, sausage, sausage sizzle, garbage bags, gloves, beaches, water, sea animals, rubbish, ocean).
Point out that some of the nouns begin with an upper-case letter and some don’t. Ask students to think about why this might be the case. Discuss as a group and draw out that particular people, places and things that have a specific name begin with an upper-case letter, and that these nouns are called ‘proper nouns’.
What proper nouns can you see on the poster? (Back Beach Bay, Saturday, November). Discuss that the names of places such as Back Beach Bay, months of the year and days of the week are all proper nouns. What other nouns are proper nouns? (examples include people’s names, street names, the name of a business, the name of a sporting field and the names of countries, states, towns and cities).
Have students complete the printable worksheet, and then share them in small groups. Have each group identify any proper nouns they listed on their worksheets.
Print the Nouns: people, places, things worksheet.
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When and where? (whole-group activity)
Revisit the poster and ask: What information on the poster tells us about where and when the clean-up day is? (date and time, name of the place).
Draw students’ attention to the aspect of when the clean-up day is. What information has been included? Discuss each feature and how it is written (the date – including the month and the day – and the time).
Draw students’ attention to the use of the initials ‘am’ after the number 10. What does this mean? Discuss and draw out that it means ten o’clock in the morning and that ‘am’ stands for the phrase ante meridiem. Explain that this phrase is from a language called Latin, and in Latin ante means ‘before’ and meridiem means ‘midday’.
What might 10 pm mean? Discuss and draw out that it means 10 o’clock at night. Explain that the initials ‘pm’ stand for post meridiem and that these words also come from Latin (post meaning ‘after’ and meridiem meaning ‘midday’).
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Where’s that word from? (whole-group activity)
Highlight the use of the word ‘annual’ on the poster. What does the phrase ‘10th annual’ mean? Discuss and draw out that ‘annual’ means once every year, so it is the tenth year in a row that the clean-up day has been held.
Explain that the word part ‘ann’ comes from the Latin language, and it means ‘year’ (the variant ‘enn’ also comes from Latin and also means ‘year’).
List words on a chart that come from the Latin root word ‘ann’ such as:
- annual – happens once a year
- biannual – happens twice a year (‘bi’ comes from the Latin bis meaning ‘twice’ and is also used in words such as bicycle – two wheels)
- anniversary – the celebration of a special date once a year such as a wedding anniversary
- annuity – a set amount of money paid to someone once a year.
Discuss the meaning of each word and point out how it links back to its Latin origin, ‘ann’ meaning year.
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Reflecting on learning
Help students ‘bring it all together’ and reflect on their understandings by completing the graphic organiser either independently or with a partner.
The three Fs: facts, feelings and future actions
Ask students to synthesise the information they have read and viewed in the poster. What facts did we learn about Back Beach Bay? What facts did you learn about dropped rubbish? How does knowing this make you feel? Does it make you want to take any action? What could we do to help? Discuss as a whole class.
Have students write and/or draw to fill in The three Fs graphic organiser.
Print The three Fs graphic organiser.
For families - new for 2024!Reinforce your classroom learning by telling families in your class about Clean up Back Beach Bay. Families can share the text at home and use the information provided to build knowledge and instill a love of reading. |